操作系统使用存储或磁盘来持久保存数据。 磁盘与分区一起使用可轻松管理它们。 通常,操作系统和数据分区是分开放置的。 Linux的主目录是分开的,因为主目录中的问题(例如填满)不会影响整个系统。 现代Linux系统使用很多分区。 这是一个问题:如何列出Linux系统中存在的分区。

使用fdisk列出分区 (List Partitions With fdisk)

fdisk is number one tool used by system administrators to manage disk. fdisk provides creating, deleting, listing of partitions. We need to use  sudo in order to get root privileges.

fdisk是系统管理员用来管理磁盘的*工具。 fdisk提供创建,删除,列出分区的信息。 我们需要使用sudo以获得root特权。

$ sudo fdisk -l
List Partitions With fdisk
List Partitions With fdisk
  • There is a lot of information from system administrator perspective.


  • /dec/vda is disk to list partitions

    / dec / vda是列出分区的磁盘

  • /dev/vda1 is the partition of the disk

    / dev / vda1是磁盘的分区

列出具有/ proc / partitions的分区(List Partitions with /proc/partitions)

We can get more simpler list by using kernel provided information like below


$ cat /proc/partitions
List Partitions with /proc/partitions
List Partitions with /proc/partitions
列出具有/ proc / partitions的分区
  • /proc/partitions provides information about partitions in a simple manner

    / proc / partitions以简单的方式提供有关分区的信息

  • vda1 is a partition


列出分区的分区(List Partitions with parted)

Parted is popular application especially creating, deleting partitions and file systems. We can use parted to list partitions too. We will also  use -l option in order to list partitions.

Parted是流行的应用程序,尤其是创建,删除分区和文件系统。 我们也可以使用parted列出分区。 我们还将使用-l选项来列出分区。

$ parted -l
List Partitions with parted
List Partitions with parted

Disk information like Model, Sector Size and Partition Table type is also provided.


列出具有blkid的分区 (List Partitions with blkid)

blkid is a command which will list block information with the related ID or UUID. This will also print partitions too. We need to provide sudo command too.

blkid是将列出具有相关ID或UUID的块信息的命令。 这也将打印分区。 我们也需要提供sudo命令。

$ blkid
List Partitions with blkid
List Partitions with blkid

列出具有lsblk的分区(List Partitions with lsblk)

lsblk is generally used to get mount points of the partitions but also used to list partitions. This command will list partitions and disk in a tree form.

lsblk通常用于获取分区的安装点,但也用于列出分区。 该命令将以树形形式列出分区和磁盘。

List Partitions with lsblk
List Partitions with lsblk

As we can see that fedora-root and fedora-swap are partitions created in the sda. There is also information like partition and disk size, type and mount point.

如我们所见, fedora-rootfedora-swap是在sda创建的分区。 还有诸如分区和磁盘大小,类型和安装点之类的信息。

LEARN MORE  Overview Of Linux File Systems Like Ext3, Btrfs, Zfs

如何在Linux中列出磁盘的所有分区? 信息移植 (How To List All Partitions Of A Disk In Linux? Infografic)

How To List All Partitions Of A Disk In Linux? Infografic
How To List All Partitions Of A Disk In Linux? Infografic